1. This fixed rate is for Dual Fuel (electricity and gas) or electricity only pre-approved existing Mercury customers.
  2. This fixed price will apply for a term of 2 years from the date on which we accept your response.
  3. If you choose to move to a rate plan that includes solar Generation Rates for electricity during the term of this offer the prices and terms set out in this plan will continue to apply.
  4. An early termination fee of $150 (inclusive of GST, if any) will apply if you cancel your fixed price plan before the end of your initial term, to compensate Mercury for its losses. This early termination fee does not apply if:
    1. You cancel within 30 days of your fixed price plan confirmation letter and your pre-existing rates will apply during that period; or
    2. Your term is a renewal term.
  5. If you move property during the fixed period:
    1. You can take your fixed price plan with you so long as your move is within the same network and your new property has the same meter type; or
    2. If we are unable to transfer your fixed price plan forward for you, you will revert to standard Mercury prices and you will not be charged an early termination fee, provided you remain a Mercury customer. Please contact us before you move.
  6. Your fixed prices are based on your current meter type.
  7. If your meter type changes, where possible Mercury will put you on the fixed price plan for your new meter.
  8. If your current meter configuration is incorrect, we will place you on the correct pricing plan that matches your meter.
  9. The fixed price plan does not include GST, and any of the Mercury Service Fees (as available on our website).  Any subsequent change to the NZ Government GST rate, and Mercury Service Fees within the period of this agreement will apply. Please note that while the rates for other individual components of your total price may change, your total prices will remain the same in line with this plan.
  10. Your fixed price plan term (and each subsequent renewal term (if any)), will be automatically renewed for a further term if Mercury sends you written notice of your new fixed prices before the end of the term.
  11. You may choose not to renew your fixed price plan for a further term by giving Mercury notice by email, phone or in writing, opting out of such renewal within the last 30 days of your then-current fixed price plan term.
  12. If, for any reason, Mercury does not notify you of the prices that will apply to a renewal term before the end of the then-current term, your fixed price plan will expire at the end of such term. If your fixed price plan term is not renewed at the end of the then-current term (for any reason) then you will revert to standard Mercury prices at the end of such term.
  13. This offer or pricing plan cannot be combined (in whole or in part) with any other Mercury offer or pricing plan.
  14. All other Mercury Terms & Conditions apply. Please refer to our website mercury.co.nz for full details.