These Terms apply to customers who signed up prior to 16 June 2023. This offer is no longer available to sign up for.

We like to reward our customers with something a little more wonderful when they move property or join on a 1 year fixed price plan. Lots of words, we know! But here's everything you need to know about the Offer. Grab a cup of tea and have a read!


  1. This offer is available to:
    1. existing Mercury residential customers who move property ("Movers"); and
    2. non-Mercury residential customers who join us ("Joiners");
    3. and sign up for electricity or electricity and gas (Dual Fuel) on a 1 year fixed price plan and are accepted as a Mercury customer in accordance with Mercury's standard terms and conditions.
  2. Movers that are on an existing fixed term plan with Mercury will not be charged an early termination fee for cancelling their existing fixed term plan to take up this offer.

Joining Credit

  1. By taking up this offer for electricity or electricity and gas (Dual Fuel) on a 1 year fixed price plan, you will receive a $100 bill credit. We'll apply this credit to your Mercury account within 55 days after you have successfully moved (for Movers) or joined (for Joiners).

Your Fixed Price Plan

  1. Your fixed price applies for the duration of your 1 year fixed term ("Fixed Price Term").

  2. If you are in The Lines Company Limited ("TLC") area, your fixed price does not include charges for transmission, distribution and metering ("Network Services"). You will receive a separate bill from TLC for these Network Services. In other networks, these costs form part of your total fixed price.

  3. If you cancel your fixed price plan before the end of your Fixed Price Term an early termination fee of $150 (inclusive of GST, if any) will apply. This early termination fee does not apply if:
    1. You cancel within 10 days of your fixed price plan confirmation letter (meaning you will be deemed not to have taken up this offer and our standard non-fixed rates will apply during that period); or
    2. The Fixed Price Term has expired and you have remained on this fixed price plan.

  4. If you move property during the Fixed Price Term, please contact us before you move and:
    1. You can take your fixed price plan with you so long as your move is within the same network and your new property has the same meter type; or
    2. If we are unable to transfer your fixed price plan to your new address, you will be transferred to standard Mercury prices and you will not be charged an early termination fee, as long as you remain a Mercury customer.
  1. Your fixed prices are based on your current meter type.
    1. If your meter type changes, where possible, we will put you on the fixed price plan for your new meter.
    2. If your current meter set up is incorrect, we will place you on the correct pricing plan that matches your meter.
  1. The fixed price plan does not include GST, and any of the Mercury Service Fees. Any subsequent change to the NZ Government GST rate, and Mercury Service Fees within the Fixed Price Term will apply.
  1. If you choose to move to a plan that includes solar generation rates for electricity during the Fixed Price Term, your fixed price plan will automatically be terminated and:
    1. Your electricity supply will be moved to an open-term plan; and
    2. A termination fee will not be applied.
  1. Please note that while the rates for individual parts of your fixed price may change, we will make sure the total price remains fixed in line with this plan.
  1. If you are in the TLC area and if TLC appoints us as its agent to collect the charges for Network Services from you, we will pass these charges on to you and your total price will change accordingly.
  2. You will revert to standard Mercury prices at the end of the Offer Period, unless Mercury offers you, and you accept, a new fixed term price plan before the end of the Offer Period.
  3. Unless we tell you otherwise, you cannot combine this offer or pricing plan with any other Mercury offer or pricing plan.
  4. The Offer is not transferable or redeemable for cash.
  5. Mercury’s standard Privacy Policy, and residential terms apply. Please see our website mercury.co.nz for full details.